Membership Application
ANZMAG encourages anyone working in, or interested in any field of magnetic resonance to join the society, and welcomes international members.
Annual membership subscriptions are A$20 for full members and A$10 for students – because of the two-year ANZMAG conference cycle, two-year memberships are the default option. Attendance at the ANZMAG conference ensures automatic membership.
Members are entitled to reduced conference registration fees and will receive notification of forthcoming events via the ANZMAG email list-server.
If joining within six months prior to an ANZMAG conference, please first contact the ANZMAG Secretary as you may be entitled to reduced fees. To join ANZMAG please download the application form. Please mail or fax the completed application form, together with the appropriate payment to:
Professor Caroline Rae
Secretary ANZMAG
Neuroscience Research Australia
Barker St
Randwick, NSW 2031
Phone: +61 2 93991211
Fax: +61 2 93991026